Trend Lines, know and use them.

Trend lines are one of the basic elements used in Forex for technical analysis. They're an indicator of momentum in the currency market. These lines are created as visual indicators, to be used as quick reference charts. Plotting a trend line through the laws of a growing trend and plotting a trend line through the maximum declining trends . The layout of the trend lines are drawn through the closing

Wall Street watch over Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico explain this week to Wall Street analysts about his plans for growth and real economic situation to appease the markets. J. P. Beauchamp , president of the government of Puerto Rico held next Oct. 15 a teleconference with analysts and investors to update information of the economic and fiscal activity on the island. 

Be low-cost with Oanda

OANDA was founded in Delaware - U.S.A. by Michael Stumm and Dr. Richard Olsen in 96 ' and currently has over 80k clients around the world .

In the new millennium launched fxTrade in Java and was one of the first to offer fully automated online currency trading services . Now offers to operate from MT4 platform which is more advanced


Plus500, a Forex classic

Let's talk about a well known platform. Plus500 is a regulated Forex broker that has over ten years experience that helps people use the forex markets with simple and easy web design. They' ve headquarters located in London, England and they're registered with the FCA (Financial Conduct Autorithy). 

Something different: eToro

eToro is an online trader with a simple and minimalist platform seeking its audience among novice investors operating in the stock market for they first time . For the consecution of this purpose has created his social trading tool eToro OpenBook.It has made a ranking among its investors, according to the success of its operation . By this way the novice users can follow the movements of their favorite investors, discuss with the trader and his followers operations and polish up your own art from experiences other, learn to invest and even give the order copy of your investors is worldwide , operating in stocks, currencies , commodities and indices .


Bro - Kers?

If we stick to the definition, the brokers are corporations that act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers by a fee , which may be fixed or variable through spreads. Those where only accessible through a bank or broker-dealer, but in recent years thanks to the Internet they've appeared a new tipe called electronic brokers, a revolution to open the exchange market to common people.

The so called electronic brokers operate solely via the Internet with a much lower commission than a traditional bank or normal broker-dealer. Thus you can invest in any market you want from your home in a very competitive world. 


Basic Grammar II


 They're the currencies most traded in forex exchange market. Those are the U.S. and Canadian dollar, €uro, Japanese yen , Sterling pound and Swiss franc.


 Customers must deposit extra-funds to cover any collateral potential losses from adverse variations in the market.

   Margin Call:

 Request for additional funds or other collateral, from a broker or dealer , to increase the margin to a level necessary to ensure implementation in a position.

Basic Grammar I

Is a tool to trade large volumes with an amount of money available much lower. This allows shooting benefits just as you shoot the losses. The most common in forex leverage is 100:1, 200:1 and maybe 400:1  . In the U.S., maximum permitted leverage is limited to 50:1 

A pip is similar to a tick or point in stocks, futures or other markets . It is an acronym for interest point percentage and is the smallest individual unit to operate in forex . The pip is always the most right digit of any forex price quote.

Forex? Yeah, that is

Forex (or FX) is the largest financial world market, which records a daily turnover of more than $ 1 trillion, an amount greater than the sum of all other existing markets together. It is available for investors 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. There are about 5k institutions of all kinds as commercial companies and central banks and trading actively involved in Forex, and millions of smaller players such as brokerage firms and individual brokers.

It´s basic operation was established in 1971 and involves the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. The world's currencies are traded on floating exchange rate and are always traded in pairs, for example USD / JPY or EUR / NZD. Any political movement, natural disaster, or social event constantly affects the market value of the pairs, so changes in the value and possibilities of  business are endless.


Economic systems before Forex

In the early period that prevailed between 1876 and the First World War the gold exchange standard dominated the international economic system. Under the gold exchange , currencies gained a new phase of stability as they were based in the price of gold. It abolished the old practice used by kings and rulers of arbitrarily debasing money and triggering inflation.

It was necessary to find a system to clean the outdated economic models with cycles of growth and recession so sudden and brief. In short , it was greater monetary stability that would turn sustainability of economic growth and a softening of the cycles of growth and decline .